- All photos and other information presented here was gathered and collated through the voluntary efforts of many $tslaQ participants.
- Every site that has been updated one or more times includes a link to the previous report; as many as six previous reports can be viewed by using these links.
- The vast majority of sites listed are not Tesla-branded facilities, but some Delivery/Service Centers are included. More are likely to be added as inventory levels continue to rise.
- Most entries include a link to the original Twitter thread in which the material was first presented. We strongly recommend that users review these threads, as they provide much detail and context for the hundreds of photos presented here.
- Car counts are generally approximate, except for SAF aerial surveys which include precise counts.
- The current list of 52 sites represent about 5000 cars, which is substantially lower than inventory calculated from Tesla’s own public statements.
- It is probably impossible to locate all places in the US where Tesla is storing cars. We believe that since July 2018, when it was discovered that thousands of new Teslas were parked at a former glass factory in Lathrop, California, the company has made a concerted effort to hide inventory.